Wednesday, September 5, 2012


I use the dough recipe for whole wheat thin buns which was my last posting (September 3, 2012) to make whole wheat bread.  Some types and/or brands of whole wheat flour work better for bread making than others.  I found a brand that has given me consistent results, pictured below, at our local Walmart.  This one happens to be hard white spring wheat flour.  White whole wheat flour has the same fiber and nutritional value as darker flour.  It's just ground from a different type of wheat and  lighter in color.                                                                                                 

One recipe whole wheat bun dough:  See my last posting--September 3, 2012.
Divide dough into 2 equal portions.  For 8-inch bread pans, with a rolling pin, roll each portion into an 18 X 8 inch rectangle (see above right) on a lightly floured surface.  Starting at 8-inch end, tightly roll up each rectangle, jelly roll style, into a loaf.  Pinch ends shut and pinch to seal bottom of loaf. Place in oiled pans.  Let rise until doubled, about 45 minutes-1 hour.  Bake at 350 degrees for 30-35 minutes, or until loaves sound hollow when tapped on the bottom.  Makes 2 loaves.                              

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