Saturday, July 26, 2014


Avocados are not exactly a substitute for deli meat, but with their heart healthy fat, they are a satisfiying alternative.  They also are practically sodium free, unlike sodium laden deli meats, including even the "natural" ones.  We love sandwiches and this has been a quickly prepared lunch for us on many busy days.  

For each sandwich:

1/3 avocado, thinly sliced

Any or all of the following raw veggies:
spinach leaves
thinly sliced onion or red onion
thinly sliced bell peppers
thinly sliced cucumber
sliced tomato

2 slices whole grain bread
light or vegan mayo*
wasabi sauce or mustard**

Spread mayo on one slice of bread and wasabi sauce or mustard on the other slice.  Layer avocado and veggies on bread.

*We like Hellman's canola mayo.  It has no saturated fat and only 40 calories/tablespoon.
**Wasabi sauce has half or less than half the sodium of most mustards.

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