Saturday, October 13, 2012


Pear sauce, just like applesauce, can be used as a condiment, side dish, or as a substitute for oil in baked goods.  Pears are a naturally sweet fruit, so sweetening the sauce is unnecessary.  Pureeing the pears saves time, since that way they don't need to be peeled.  I usually add the spices to my pear sauce as I use it, rather than prior to preserving it.

Several pounds ripe pears
Optional for every gallon of pear sauce:  2 teaspoons ground cinnamon, 1 teaspoon each,  ground cloves
and allspice, and 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg

Wash, halve, and core pears.  Puree in a food processor in batches and pour into a heavy saucepan or kettle. Add spices if desired.  Heat to simmer, stirring occasionally.  Place in freezer containers and freeze, or can simmering sauce in pint or quart jars in a boiling water bath for twenty minutes.  To freeze recipe-sized portions, measure desired amounts and pour onto waxed paper lined baking sheets,  Freeze until firm, remove from waxed paper, and place pear sauce "cookies" in large zipper freezer bags.  I label each large bag with the size of the portions in the bag.  I freeze the sauce in 1/2, 1/3, and 1/4 cup portions and thaw as needed for use in recipes.

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